R3 Certificate Webinar (AEI) Events by paandruc - 16 February, 202316 February, 20230 The AEI will hold a webinar to present the next call for R3 Certificate - 2023. Date: 22 February - 12:00 h. Participation: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87856230930 Call sheet: https://bit.ly/3Xt2ibx
UPV Open Day (23/02/2023) Events by paandruc - 15 February, 20231 March, 20230 The UPV is hosting an open day on Thursday 23 February to present the experience of studying at our university. The Universitat Politècnica de València has organised, as a complement to the face-to-face Open Day, an online session in which a general presentation will be given to explain the overall experience of studying at the UPV. It will take place on Thursday 23 February at 18:30. We will talk about the structure of university studies; what PARS are; some suggestions for pre-enrolment; learning by doing with Spontaneous Generation; work placements; exchange opportunities; international double degrees; sports; scholarships, etc. More information: https://www.jpa.upv.es/ Online access: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_H_Fts1gESFOzOV8A3zeM1g
5th National Congress on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Disability Events by paandruc - 14 February, 202314 February, 20230 In order to continue promoting the employment and entrepreneurship of people with disabilities, the UPV is launching the 5th edition of the National Congress on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Disability, which will be held on 2 and 3 March 2023 at our University. The V National Congress on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Disability admits the participation with communications in three different modalities: Poster, Extended Abstract (3-4 pages) and full papers (10-15 pages). More information: https://www.congresoeed.es/
The Talent Tour comes to Zaragoza on 20 February Events by paandruc - 14 February, 202314 February, 20230 Discover the professional you can be, design the future you want to build and reinvent the education you need. Organised by the Princess of Girona Foundation, the Tour offers workshops, lectures, debates and other activities. What will you find on the Talent Tour? Each stop on the Talent Tour offers lectures, debates, workshops, concerts, courses, exhibitions and shows that focus on four major issues: Discover what your professional future could be likeLearn tools to create a better futureReinvent educationDevelop yourself More info and registration: https://tourdeltalento.org/es/
Horizon Europe Regional Infoday on Cluster 4 (Industry) Events by paandruc - 9 February, 202314 February, 20230 The Regional Infoday on Cluster 4 (Industry) of Horizon Europe will be held on 20/02/2023, organised within the framework of the Strategy of the Generalitat Valenciana for national and regional coordination in R+D+i, which aims to increase and improve the participation of all the agents of the Valencian Community in the Horizon Europe Programme. Programme and registration: https://eventos.cdti.es/ES/20220220InfoRegionalValenciaHEIndustria
Horizon Europe Regional Infoday Cluster 1 (Health) Events by paandruc - 9 February, 202314 February, 20230 The next 16/02/2023 will be held the Regional Infoday on Cluster 1 (Health) of Horizon Europe, organised in the framework of the Strategy of the Generalitat Valenciana of national and regional coordination in R+D+i, which aims to increase and improve the participation of all the agents of the Valencian Community in the Horizon Europe Programme. Programme and registration: https://eventos.cdti.es/ES/Infoday_Reg_Valencia_Cluster_1_Salud
CSIC – BBVA Foundation Programme to Promote Scientific Communication (deadline 15/02/2023) Calls by paandruc - 1 February, 20231 February, 20230 The BBVA Foundation and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) collaborate in the call for the new edition of this programme that recognizes and encourages the work of journalists and researchers committed to communicate to the public, in a rigorous and attractive way, the advances in science, as well as to improve training in this decisive field for the take-off of the scientific culture of society. 2 CSIC - BBVA Foundation Science Communication AWARDS: aimed at recognizing the best contributions to the public understanding of science in Spain.2 CSIC - BBVA Foundation Science Communication Grants: aimed at university graduates from any branch of knowledge who wish to specialize in science communication, not in scientific-technical or research training. Deadline for receipt of