Infoday LIVE THE DOCTORATE AT THE UPV Events by paandruc - 28 February, 202228 February, 20220 On Tuesday, March 22 at 12:00, the event “LIVE THE DOCTORATE AT THE UPV” will be held, the objective of which is to present all the opportunities that doctoral students have at our university. The infoday consists of two parts: the welcome session that will take place in the Paraninfo and the UPV services fair organized in the adjacent garden. [media]e9504cc0-988c-11ec-a21e-896fac17618d:640:360[/media]
Seminar: Towards a reform of research evaluation in Europe Events by paandruc - 25 February, 202225 February, 20220 Crue Universidades Españolas organizes the seminar "Towards a reform of research evaluation in Europe" that aims for reflection on the evaluation of the research career as part of the debate on the evaluation of the academic career among Spanish universities. The event will be held on March 7, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. Registration at the following link: Event program available below. Programa-Seminario-Crue-·-reforma-evaluacion-investigacion-1Download
Video of the Orientation Conference for Young Researchers organized by the MANTRED Research Network Events by paandruc - 21 February, 202221 February, 20220 On February 17, the Orientation Conference for Young Researchers organized by the MANTRED Research Network took place. The recording of the event is available at the following link: [media]cb8edfd0-9314-11ec-bad9-dd004f7f2c6b:640:360[/media]
Job offer in a UPV startup: Corify Care Vacancies startup and spin-off UPV by paandruc - 21 February, 202221 February, 20220 Corify Care is looking for doctors to join the R&D team in electronics, data processing, AI, etc. More information at:
Draft bill amending the Science, Technology and Innovation Act Regulations by paandruc - 14 February, 202214 February, 20220 The preliminary draft of the act for amending the Science, Technology and Innovation Act (14/2011, from June 1), aims to decisively address the resolution of various deficiencies detected in the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation. The document can be consulted at the following link:
Scientific Integrity Policy and General Research Principles Regulations by paandruc - 14 February, 202214 February, 20220 At the meeting of the Governing Council on December 23, 2021, the "General Research Principles" and the "Scientific Integrity Policy" were approved. Both documents, available in Spanish, Valencian and English, can be consulted on the following page:
Investigo Programme Calls by paandruc - 14 February, 202214 February, 20220 On December 20, 2021, the Resolution of the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Investigación, y Sociedad announced the subsidies of the "Programa Investigo", for the hiring of young people seeking employment in carrying out research initiatives and innovation in the Valencian Community, for its execution in 2022 The period for submitting the electronic application form will open on March 1 and end on March 20, 2022. You can consult the detailed information in the following link:
Participate in the 2022 Call “UPV Innovation Stories” Calls by paandruc - 14 February, 202214 February, 20220 Deadline for the call until February 18, 2022. The UPV INNOVATION 2022 Conference aims, like previous editions, to express and strengthen the UPV's commitment to innovation. To this end, the Conference will include a presentation session on achievements in innovation that took place in 2021. These achievements may be the result of the incorporation or training of talent for innovative projects of companies and entities, or the results of collaborations in R&D, or the creation of innovative companies or any other means of contribution of the UPV to society. To collect cases that can be exposed, the Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer launches this call for UPV Innovation Stories. Check the requirements in the following link:
III UPV Innovation Conference Events by paandruc - 10 February, 202210 February, 20220 (III JORNADA UPV INNOVACIÓN) The 3rd UPV Innovation Conference is the hybrid edition of the benchmark meeting between researchers, entrepreneurs, and R&D agents from the university's innovative ecosystem, with the aim of sharing experiences and addressing aspects of innovation with the UPV seal. The event that will take place on Wednesday 2 March 2022 at 9 a.m. is organized by UPV Innovación - the UPV program for promoting innovation in its socioeconomic environment. The conference is aimed at Teaching and Research Staff, research and development and innovation managers at the UPV, and staff from its entrepreneurial ecosystem and the Valencian innovation system. The program and the registration form are available at the following link:
Orientation Day for Young Researchers Events by paandruc - 9 February, 20229 February, 20220 On the 17th of February, at 9:30 am, the Orientation Day for Young Researchers organized by the MANTRED Research Network will take place. MANTRED is a Research Network funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and is made up of researchers from nine Spanish universities. The aim of this conference is to support the youngest researchers, and for this purpose, various kinds of presentations have been organized, including aspects such as: the creation of research groups from scratch, transfering through spin-offs, the promotion of teaching staff , the AEI support programs for young researchers, and research-transfer through university-business chairs. A round table has also been organized with young researchers, including beneficiaries of grants from the European Research Council (ERC), Margarita Salas, Juan