From the UPV's R&D Management Service (SGI) and within the framework of the Networks and Managers project, an informative talk will be held next Monday, September 19, on the evaluation process of the ERC Grants. Dr. Endika Bengoetxea, current coordinator of the IT panel of the ERC Grants of the European Research Council will be in charge of the infoday. We invite you to participate in this event, aimed at the entire research community of the UPV and especially the IT staff. The details of this event and the link to subscribe are provided below: Date: Monday, September 19, 2022 Location: CFP Classroom 2-8, 2nd floor of Building 6G-NEXUS Hours: 09:00 to 14:00 Type of Conference: Hybrid (36 places maximum face-to-face and 100 online) Registration Link:
Year: 2022
The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment is now final
Launched in January 2022 as a co-creation exercise, the process of drafting an agreement for reforming research assessment has reached an important milestone. On 8 July, the final version of the agreement was presented at a Stakeholder Assembly bringing together the 350+ organisations from 40+ countries having expressed interest in being involved in the process. Full news: Document download: FAQ:
European Strategy for Universities and proposal to Member States on how to promote transnational collaboration
According to the European Commission, today, European society needs more than ever the contribution of universities. Europe is facing major challenges such as climate change, digital transformation and an aging population, while being affected by the biggest global health crisis in a century and its economic consequences. Universities, and the entire higher education sector, are at the heart of education, research and innovation, and have an essential role in shaping sustainable and resilient economies and making the European Union more ecological, inclusive and digital. The two new initiatives adopted this year will support universities in this effort. Commission Communication on a European strategy for universities Council recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation
PIAE+ RECOGNITION ACT and conference “When sleep improves, everything improves”
On June 15, 2022, the PIAE+ TEAM RECOGNITION ACT was held. Nearly 70 people (between faculty, staff and students of the UPV) have received a tribute for their involvement during the current academic year in the Comprehensive Student Support Plan (PIAE+) in its first edition. The objective of PIAE+ is to put students at the center to accompany them throughout all their university studies: bachelor's, master's and doctorate. This year, around 2,000 students and around 200 teachers have participated in the PIAE+. Links to content of interest: Full news Video. Welcome and summary of PIAE+ actions Photo gallery of the event Conference "When sleep improves, everything improves"
HRS4R and the Research Career Development Unit at the 7th Meeting of UPV Doctoral Students
The Doctoral School of the UPV has held its VII Meeting of Doctoral Students. The inaugural conference was given by Mr. Piotr Adam Andruczyk, who presented the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) and the Researcher Career Development Unit. Next, the round table "The importance of the emotional well-being of doctoral students" was held and the #Hylothesis contest was presented, aimed at doctoral students with the ability to explain their doctoral thesis in a maximum of 20 tweets. Full version of the news:
Junior Leader Postdoctoral Scholarships of the ”la Caixa” Foundation 2023
The call for Junior Leader Postdoctoral scholarships is open until October 7. The Junior Leader Postdoctoral scholarship program is aimed at researchers of any nationality who work in STEM disciplines to lead research projects in centres and universities of excellence in Spain and Portugal More information Click here to download additional materials
III Edition of the International Zendal Awards 2022
This year marks the 3rd Edition of the International Zendal Awards 2022, which distinguishes excellence in research and innovation in the field of biotechnology, rewarding the best human and animal health projects. This year the economic endowment will amount to €40,000 in the human health category and €25,000 in the animal health category. In the following link you can see the dossier of this new call. All the information is available on the website, so you can consult the bases and registration form through the following link: here. The reception of applications will be available until Monday, October 3, 2022.
The Government approves the Plan for attracting and retaining scientific and innovative talent
This Plan contains 30 measures that will mobilize close to 3,000 million euros with the aim of bringing back the scientists who left, encouraging those who are in Spain to stay and attracting the best. The measures include regulatory reforms, new calls and information and communication tools, which will be launched over the next 18 months. The measures of the Plan are divided into three axes: creating more opportunities and better conditions for the development of scientific careers in universities and public research organizations. Eliminating barriers and creating new incentives for attracting international scientific talent to the Spanish public sector.Promoting the incorporation of international scientific and innovative personnel in the private sector. Link to download the document.
FECYT: Questionnaire on the needs and expectations that a mentoring program with a gender focus aimed at young researchers should cover
From the Women and Science Unit of the Ministry of Science and Innovation we are working on a mentoring program with a gender approach aimed at young researchers. For this, we would like to invite you to participate in the following online questionnaire to find out the needs, expectations and added value that you consider this type of program should meet. The questionnaire has 26 questions and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your time and collaboration. For any questions, you can contact Link to the questionnaire:
Approved the Anti-Fraud Measures Plan of the UPV
The Governing Council has approved the document, which includes a series of actions based on the four key areas of the anti-fraud cycle: prevention, detection, correction and prosecution. More information: Link to document: