From the UPV’s R&D Management Service (SGI) and within the framework of the Networks and Managers project, an informative talk will be held next Monday, September 19, on the evaluation process of the ERC Grants.
Dr. Endika Bengoetxea, current coordinator of the IT panel of the ERC Grants of the European Research Council will be in charge of the infoday.
We invite you to participate in this event, aimed at the entire research community of the UPV and especially the IT staff.
The details of this event and the link to subscribe are provided below:
Date: Monday, September 19, 2022
Location: CFP Classroom 2-8, 2nd floor of Building 6G-NEXUS
Hours: 09:00 to 14:00
Type of Conference: Hybrid (36 places maximum face-to-face and 100 online)
Registration Link: https://poseidon.cfp.upv.es/portal-formacion/alumno/gestion_matricula.jsp?cid=85544&idioma=es&hash=9c439919c71e93429b4f9a4e8813ca13c117cf47cb09884a9e4a9e4a9e489e4d85&